Global Journal of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolic Disorders

Global-Journal-of-Diabetes-Endocrinology-Metabolic-DisordersGlobal Journal of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolic Disorders (GJDEMD) is Global, open access, peer-reviewed, the medical and clinical journal that the publishes manuscripts like exclusive research, qualitative review, mini-reviews, case reports and studies, short communications, editorials, letters, etc. from all the feature of endocrinology and diabetes. We assure researchers, healthcare professionals, academicians to provide a platform to publish their innovative and latest research works online and proceedings. Why publish in GJDEMD: Global Journal of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolic Disorders (GJDEMD) is an online forum for all the clinicians, researchers, academicians, etc., nourishing peer-reviewed data and information, case studies and reports, research works, etc. from all fields of diabetes and endocrinology. The Manuscripts received from the author undergoes an attentive peer review process before publication. Unified Citation Journals strongly assists and supports the growth in the scientific community and research, and intensify the accessibility to high-quality research findings and works displayed and available online in our journal web page. Unified Citation Journals mostly focus on young and experienced researchers, clinicians, academicians across the globe to represent their high-quality research work, findings and perspectives in the field diabetes and endocrinology. Unified Citation Journals plan of action is to provide 365 * 24/7 access to the scientific information and qualitative data for all our readers across the globe and also Unified Citation Journals will assure the scientific community and researcher high-quality data availability in advance updated digital formats. Submission: Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts/papers electronically with mention journal title [GJDEMD] in the subject line (or) Submit your manuscripts/papers here: Manuscript Template: Click here to download the manuscript template. Contact the Journal: Please do not hesitate to get in touch, get your queries clarified via the email address:
Published byUnified Citation Journals
Year publication2019Frequency (Publish per Year)12
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)ISSN: 2752-6283
Journal disciplineHealth SciencesFull text languageAvailable | Open Access
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefDr. Ian Martins | Australia
Abbreviated NameGJDEMDCountryUnited Kingdom
Journal is indexed byCrossref, Scopus, Google Scholar, KindCongress
Impact Factor1.041Date added to KC08 Jun 2021
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