Awards, Fellowships, Grants
Neurourology and Urodynamic Research fellowship from Montreal children Hospital, McGill University Montréal, Quebec, Canada 2003.
Female urology Fellowship in Jewish General hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2003 Urogynecology international curse, McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2002
Top researcher staff award in “Research Festival of TUMS” 2005
Award as One of Top University Staff in Iran
Grant for manufacture of new version of neurostimulators from nanotechnology committee Iran 2005
Grants for Ministry of health for HTA programs and Guideline writing 2008
Top Associate Professor Award in Tabriz Medical School 2006.
Top educational process award (Evidence Based Practice in urology department) Tabriz 2008
Research methodology workshop Tabriz 1999.
Scientific writing workshop Tabriz 1999
ICDL workshops Tabriz 1999.
Study design workshop Tabriz 2000.
Animal lab workshops Montreal 2002
Data management workshops Montreal 2002
Statistic analysis workshop Montreal 2002-2003.
CPC workshop Tabriz 2003
Scientific writing workshop Tehran 2005.
Evidence based medicine workshops Tabriz 2004-2006.
Evidence based health care workshops Italy2005
Evidence based medicine teaching workshops Oxford 2006
Research Ethics workshops Tabriz 2006
Evidence based medicine teaching workshops Tabriz 2007
Evidence based medicine teaching workshops (Singapore- Mc Master) 2007
Clinical Guideline writing workshop. Singapore 2007
Asian Pacific Evidence based medicine teaching workshops Tiwan-2008
CASP international workshop Oxford 2008
GATE critical appraisal workshop of Rod Jackson, Tabriz 2009
Evidence Based Practice- Prognostic Studies by Paul Glazziou, Tabriz 2010
Cochrane collaboration workshop Tabriz 2010
Clinical Governance workshop Tabriz 2011
Top researcher staff award in “Research Festival of TUMS” 2011
Academic Position
1999 Assistant Prof, Tabriz University of Medical Science.
2000 Director of Imam Medical centers Clinics, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).
2003 General director of researches in TUMS
2005 Associate professor of urology in TUMS
2005 Director of Evidence based medicine center of TUMS
2007 Educational Deputy of Tabriz Medical School TUMS
2008 Program Director of female urology fellowship TUMS
2009 Program Director of Clinical effectiveness TUMS
2010 Scientific secretary of international EBP in developing countries, Tabriz
2011 Scientific secretary of Iranian Continence Society conference Tehran
Active member of International Urology Society (SIU)
Member of International Continence Society (ICS)
Active member of European Urology association (EUA)
Active member of Society International urology (SIU)
Member, Iranian Urological association & female urology branch
Member of Iranian Evidence Based Medicine Center
Member of Iranian Continence society board
Member of Florida University Evidence Based Urology work group
Member of Asian Pacific Evidence based Health care Net work
Member of Research Council of Drug Applied Research Center of T.U.M.S
Member of Renal Transplantation team, Imam Medical center, T.U.M.S
Research and Clinical Interests
Female Urology, Neurourology, Urodynamics, Female Sexual Dysfunction
Evidence based health care
Selected Lectures (Congresses and Seminars):
- Blood pressure normality in children (International Hypertension congress in yazd university of Medical Science Dec.1989).
- Prevalence of hypertension in Urmia city-Iran (Medical Science students congress, Shiraz Feb. 1995).
- Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence in Tabriz city-Iran. International Urology Congress, Tehran. Iran Mar.1999.
- Investigation of voiding pattern in Iranian women. Millennium international urology congress. India 2000.
- Sexual function in men with lower urinary tract symptoms. International continence society annual meeting Hedinberg, Germany, 2002.
- Prevalence of prostatic cancer in post prostatectomy patients. First International cancer meeting. Urmieh Iran 2002.
- Oxybutynin effectiveness in hypersensitive bladder 5th Iranian urology meeting 2002.
- Effects of intravesical Botox injection in overactive bladder. Quebec association of urology Annual meeting Dec.2003.
- Gor-tax male sling for post prostatectomy incontinence Iranian urology association Annual meeting, 2004.
- Plypropylen Raz mesh suburethral sling a new Alternative for less invasive method in female incontinence Iranian urology association Annual meeting , 2004.
- Stability of international consultation questioner in female urinary incontinence … AUA meeting 2004.
- Urodynamic patterns of MMC patients … ESUP 2005 Sweden
- How long should continue the use of anticholinergics in patients with SCI , ASU China 2004.
- Comparison of transprinal ultrosonography and clinical exam in patient with SUI, ICS Montreal Canada 2005.
- Efficacy of interstitial cystitis treatment: A Review IUA, Tehran. Iran Jun 2006.
- A comparison between Tamsulosin and prazocin effect in treatment of women of women with voiding dysfunction, IUA, Tehran. Iran Jun 2006
- Iranian guideline for urinary incontinence of women, IUA, Tehran. Iran Jun 2006
- Anatomic and dynamic conditions of pelvic floor, is there any difference between normal women and women with voiding dysfunction, IUA, Tehran. Iran Jun 2006
- Evidence based practice in Asia, EBHC Italy 2005.
- Accuracy of intraoprative hematuria in diagnosis of bladder wall perforation in suburethral sling, IUA, Tehran. Iran Jun 2007
- Clinical question in EBM, Tabriz Advance EBM workshop May 2007
- Examining the efficacy of weekly regular meetings as a training method on learning Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Topics in a developing country (Iran), Asian Pacific EBM Conference, Taiwan, 2007
- Efficiency of Conducting Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Workshops by Self-Learning Tutors to Increase the Knowledge of the Participants in a Developing Country (Iran) Asian Pacific EBM Conference ,Taiwan, 2007
- The effect of regular training courses on attitude and knowledge changes after an international workshop in Iran Tabriz, Asian Pacific EBM Conference, Taiwan, 2007 Validity and reliability of the “International consultation on incontinence questionnaire- short form” in comparison with urodynamics in women with urinary incontinence IUA, Tehran. Iran Jun 2008
- Comparison of sexual function before and after treatment with Tolterodine in women with overactive bladder. Sexual medicine IUA, Tehran. Iran Jun 2008
- Vessel graft sling for pediatric incontinence due to incompetent out let. Neurogenic bladder in children, Abu Dhabi, 2009
- 40 lectures from 2010-2011. For more details contact by my email address.