Curriculum Vitae
Hojatolah Jafaryan
Gonbad institutes of higher education
Department of fishery
Fallahi street- Gonbade kavos- Golestan province – Iran
Tel: (+98-172) 22-25-021(22,23)
E-mail: hojat.jafaryan@gmail.com
OBJECTIVE EDUCATION Specialization Honors and awards WORK EXPERIENCE OTHER SKILLS Participant of International conference
The articles and projects about culturing of Sturgeon fishes
Department of fishery. Gonbade kavos higher education center (Iran).
ph.D. of fishery – fish nutrition
2006, Ph.D.Thesis “ The effects of bacillus bacteria as a probiotic on the growth factors, survival rate and digestive enzymes activity in the Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) larvae by enrichment of Artemia urmiana nauplii”. Ph.D.Thesis of Fishery. Gorgan University of Agri. Sci. & Natural Resours.103 pp.
Fish nutrition and feeding
Culture of live foods and probiotics
1- Jafaryan, H. and Makhtomii, M. 2006. The influence of probiotic bacillus on the feeding efficiency and nutrient composition of body in Beluga (Huso huso) larvae. International Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Sturgeon Fish Larviculture. 12-14 March. Uremia-Iran. P: 83.
2- Jafaryan, H. and Nazeri, R. 2006. The change of the growth factors in Beluga (Huso huso) larvae which were fed by bioencapsulation Artemia with probiotic. International Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Sturgeon Fish Larviculture. 12-14 March. Uremia-Iran. P: 84.
3- Gobad Azari Takami and Hojatollah Jafaryan. 2006. The effects of bacillus bacterial as probiotic for enhancement of growth factors, survival rate and health improvement on Persion Sturgeon. Fifth International Symposium on AQUTIC ANIMAL HEALTH. September 2-6. San Francisco, California USA. PP 67.
3- H. Jafaryan, N. Makhtomy, M. Ahmadi and M. Mahdavi. 2007. Evaluation of the effects of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as a probiotic on the growth, feeding parameters and survival rate of Acipenser persicus larvae which was fed on by bioencapsulated Daphnia magna. 24-27 October, 2007. Istanbul, Turkey. P: 260-261.
4- H. Jafaryan, R. Asadi and A. Bagheri. 2008. The promotion of growth parameters and feeding efficiency of Acipenser nudiventris larvae by using of probiotic bacillus via bioencapsulation of Artemia urmiana. Aquaculture Europe. 24-27 october, 2007. Istabul, turkey. P: 260-261. Aquaculture Europe 2008. Krakow, Poland, September 15-18. P.7-9.
5- Jafaryan, H. M. Makhtomii, M. Mahdavi. 2007. The effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for beter utilize of nutrient compositions of Daphnia magna in larviculture of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus). International Training Course & Workshop Fish Nutrition & Diseases. Ghaemshahr, Islamic Azad University (Iran), September 5th 2007. P:39.
6- Jafaryan, H. and M. Habibirezai. 2008. The effects of probioticbaceria on levels of body composition and digestive enzymes in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) via bioencapsulation of artemia urmiana. The 15th National & third International Conference of Biology. University of Tehran. 19-21 Agu. 2008. p 73.
7- H. Jafaryan, Soltani, M., Makhdomi, N., Rahimi, M. 2009. The effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and probiotic bacillus on controlling mortality and production efficiency in Acipenser persicus and Huso huso in larviculture. 1st International congress on Aquatic Animal Health Management and Diseases.
January 27-29, 2009. Tehran- Iran. P: 198.
8-Jafaryan, H., Azari Takami2, Soltanii, M. 2, Gh. Alimohamadi, S. A3. 2009. The performance of beneficial microorganisms in promotion of health, survival rate and production of cultivable fish larvae. 1st International congress on Aquatic Animal Health Management and Diseases. January 27-29, 2009. Tehran- Iran. P: 200.
9- Jafaryan, H., Soltani, M., Adineh, H. 2009. The influence of probiotic bacillus on health, survival rate and growth of
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry in exploitation of Daphnia meal. 1st international congress on Aquatic Animal Health Management and Diseases. January 27-29, 2009. Tehran- Iran. P: 181.
10- H. Jafaryan, Soltani, M., Mazanderani, R. 2009. Supplementation of two isolated sturgeon gut bacteria in diet of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) larvae for promoting resistance in challenge with stress. 1st International congress on Aquatic Animal Health Management and Diseases. January 27-29, 2009. Tehran- Iran. P: 95.
11- H. Jafaryan, Soltani, M., Taatim. M. 2009. The evaluation of two commercial microbial products on increasing the resistance and survival of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykis) larvae. 1st International congress on Aquatic Animal Health Management and Diseases. January 27-29, 2009. Tehran- Iran. P: 192.
12- Jafaryan, H., V. Mirbagheryi, and M. Esmaeili. 2009. The use of probiotic bacillus spores for Enhancement of growth parameters in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) larvae via bioencapsulation of Artemia urmiana. Larvi 2009. 7-10 September 2009. European aqucultue society, special publication. Ghent University. Belgium. P: 178-180.
13- Jafaryan, H., A. Golpor and M. Adibi. 2009. The promotion of growth parameters in Sazan (Cyprinus carpio carpio L.) larvae by bioencapsulation of Artemia urmiana with probiotics. 2009. Aqucultue Europe 09. August 14-17, 2009. Trondheim, Norway. 284-285.
14- Jafaryan, H. M. Makhtomii and M. Mahdavi. 2009. The effect of baker’s yeast for better utilize of nutrient compositions of Daphnia magna larviculture of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus). Aquaculture Europe. 14-17 august, 2009. Torendeim, Norway. P: 282-283.
15- Jafaryan, H., Chamanara, V., Papi, Sh., Khojamlii. S. (2009) Use of Baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and probiotic bacillus on the growth performance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) larvae. Aqucultue Europe 09. August 14-17, 2009. Trondheim, Norway. 280 – 281.
16- Jafaryan, H., Ahmadi, M., Adineh. H. (2009) The using Daphnia meal for promoting of growth efficiency in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry by supplementation with probiotic bacillus. Aqucultue Europe 09. August 14-17, 2009. Trondheim, Norway. 286 – 287.
17- Jafaryan, H., M. Makhdomi and G. Shahi. 2009. The exploitation of Daphnia magna by Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) larvae using beneficial lactobacillus. 6th International Symposium on Sturgeon. October 25-30, 2009. Wuhan, Hubei Province. China. P:19-20.
18- Jafaryan, H. Alimohamady , A. and M. Makhtomii. 2009. The
use of enriched Daphnia magna by probiotic yeast on promotion of feeding efficiency of Persian Sturgeon larvae. 6th International Symposium on Sturgeon. October 25-30, 2009. Wuhan, Hubei Province. China. 251-253.
20- Jafaryan, H., Makhdomi, N. and A. R. Davodipor. 2009. The effects of probiotic bacillus for promotion of growth and feeding parameters in Beluga (Huso huso) larvae via feeding by bioencapsulation of Artemia urmiana. 6th International Symposium on Sturgeon. October 25-30, 2009. Wuhan, Hubei Province. China. P: 144-145.
21- Jafaryan, H. M. Makhdomii, A. Barami. 2009. The potential of Russian Sturgeon (Acipenser guldenstaedtii) larvae in exploitation of Artemia urmian in comparison with Daphnia sp and its mixture. 6th International Symposium on Sturgeon. October 25-30, 2009. Wuhan, Hubei Province. China. P: 148-150.
22- Jafaryan, H. M. Makhdomi and Pordelan, A. 2009. The effect of bioencapsulated Artemia urmiana by belends of probiotic bacillus for enhancement of growth performance of Acipenser nudiventris larvae. 6th International Symposium on Sturgeon. October 25-30, 2009. Wuhan, Hubei Province. China. P:150-151.
23-Jafaryan, H., Taati, M., Slamloo, Kh. 2009. The effects of B. licheniformis and B. subtilis for promoting resistance of Trichogaster tericoterus larvae in challenge with stress. Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2009 and Malaysian International Seafoods Exposition 2009 November 3-6. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. PP: 250.
24- Jafaryan, H., M. Makhtomi , G. Shahi. 2009. A comparative study on the growth rate of Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, larvae fed with Artemia urmian and Daphnia sp. International symposium /workshop on Biology and Distribution of Artemia. 13-14 December 2009. Urmia-Iran.294-297.
25-Jafaryan, H., Habibi Rezaei, M., Ghamsary, M. 2009. The role of bioencapsulated Artemia urmiana nauplii with probiotic Bacillus sp. on the enhancement of digestive- enzymes activity in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) larvae. International symposium /workshop on Biology and Distribution of Artemia. 2009. 13-14 December. Urmia-Iran. 265- 269.
26- Jafaryan, H., M. Ghamsary and H. Adineh. 2009. Evaluation of antibiotic residue in axenic hatching of Artemia urmiana nauplii after disinfection by chloramphenicol and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Artemia 2009. 13-14 December. Urmia-Iran. 121- 124.
27- Jafaryan, H., Noferesti , H., Seyyed M. 2009. The effects of the addition of probiotic Bacillus to the culture medium of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) larvae on the exploitation of Artemia nauplii. International symposium /workshop on Biology and Distribution of Artemia. 13-14 December. Urmia-Iran. 286- 289.
Participant of national conference
28-Jafaryan, H., M. Ahmadi, H. Gezel. 2009. Artemia urmiana as a vector to carry beneficial microorganisms into digestive tract of cultivable fish larvae: a review. International symposium /workshop on Biology and Distribution of Artemia. 13-14 December. Urmia-Iran.298-302.
29- Jafaryan, H., Soltanii, M. and Makhdomi N. 2009. The potential of Artemia urmiana for bioencapsulation with five strains of probiotic endospor-forming gram- positive Bacillus. International symposium /workshop on Biology and Distribution of Artemia. 13-14 December. Urmia-Iran. 258-261.
30- Jafaryan, H., H. Noferesti and H. Jamali. 2009. The effect of feeding Artemia urmiana, A. fransiscana and the parthenogenetic Artemia nauplii on the feeding efficiency of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) larvae. International symposium /workshop on Biology and Distribution of Artemia. 13-14 December. Urmia-Iran. 270-271.
31- Jafaryan, H., Kheyri, J., Shokri, S. 2009. A study on the feeding efficiency of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and big head (Aristichthys nobilis) larvae fed with nauplii of different Artemia species. International symposium /workshop on Biology and Distribution of Artemia. 13-14 December. Urmia-Iran. 290-293.
32- Jafaryan H., Makhdomi, M., A. Aminzadeh, A. 2009. Growth performance of Beluga (Huso huso) larvae fed with two live foods, Artemia urmian and Daphnia magna. International symposium /workshop on Biology and Distribution of Artemia. 13-14 December. Urmia-Iran. 279-281.
33- Jafaryan, H., Bahari Tehrani, M. , Ghajarjazy, A., Amini, M. 2009. The bioencapsulation of Artemia urmiana by blend of the baker’s yeast and Bacillus for enhancement of growth parameters in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) larvae. International symposium /workshop on Biology and Distribution of Artemia. 13-14 December. Urmia-Iran. 282-285.
1-Jafaryan, H. 2006. The effects of probiotic bacillus on the growth performance of Persian sturgeon larvae. The first National conference of fishery, Azad university branch of Azadshar. 25-26 February. P: 50.
2- Jafaryan, H. 2006. The use of probiotic bacillus for the enhancement of feeding efficiency of Persian sturgeon larvae. The first National conference of fishery, Azad university branch of Azadshar. 25-26 February. P: 21.
3- Jafaryan, H., Gh. Shahii and A.R.Yazdanii. 2007. The use of probiotics to increase the production of Caspian sturgeon via enhancement of the feeding efficiency and growth parameters. 1st National Conference on Applied Microbiology. Alzahra University (Tehran-Iran). 11-12 July 2007. P: 10.
4- Jafaryan, H. M. Makhtomii, A.Barami, G. Shahii, H. Adineh. 2008. The feeding potentials of Acipenser stellatus larvae in exploitation of nutrients of Daphnia sp and Artemia urmian and its mixture. The First National Conference on The Caspian Sea Fisheries Resources. Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (Iran). December 20-21, 2008. P: 57.
5- Jafaryan, H. A. Naseri, S. M. Miri, M. Makhtomii and Y. Ghiasi. 2008. The enhancement of feeding efficiency and body compositions of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) larvae via enrichment of Daphnia magna with probiotic Lactobacillus. The First National Conference on The Caspian Sea Fisheries Resources. Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (Iran). December 20-21, 2008. P: 56.
6- Jafaryan, H. 2009. The effect of microbial technology on the enhancement of growth Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) larvae using baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The first conference of Modern Technology in Agriculture and Natural Resources. Azad university of Rasht (Iran), February 5-6, 2009. p:1886-1891.
7- Jafaryan, H., Soltani, M. and Nazarpor, A. 2009. The effect of bacterial productions on enhancement of survival rate of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykis) larvae. The first national coldwater fishes conference. 12-14, May 2009. Tonekabon-Iran. P:68.
8- Jafaryan, H. and Zolfagarzadeh, R. 2009. The potential of production of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykis) larvae in salt and brackish underground water in Golestan province (Iran). The first national coldwater fishes conference. 12-14, May 2009. Tonekabon-Iran. P:65.
9- Jafaryan, H., Ahmadvand, Sh. Mostafavi, P., Norozii, A. and Azarshab, S. 2009. The effect of blend of probiotic bacteria on survival rate and enhancement resistance of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykis) larvae by enrichment of Daphnia sp. The first national coldwater fishes conference. 12-14, May 2009. Tonekabon-Iran. P:50.
10- Jafaryan, H. and Taati, M. 2009. The potencial of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykis) larvae in exploitation of Daphnia magna with effect of probiotic bacteria. The first national coldwater fishes conference. 12-14, May 2009. Tonekabon-Iran. P:54.
11- Jafaryan, H. and Adineh, H. 2009. The statistical study the effect of experimental diet was provided from Daphnia meal and Biomar using probiotic bacillus on growth parameters in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykis) larvae. The first national coldwater fishes conference. 12-14, May 2009. Tonekabon-Iran. P:58.
12- Jafaryan, H. and Makhtomi. 2009. The effect of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and the spores of Bacillus laterosporus and Bacillus licheniformis on enhancement of
growth performance in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykis) larvae. The first national coldwater fishes conference. 12-14, May 2009. Tonekabon-Iran. P:57.
1-Jafaryan, H., N. Makhtomi and. M. Ghamsary. 2006. The use of probiotic bacillus for the promotion nutrition factors of Acipenser persicus larvae. Journal of fisheries, Azad university branch of Azadshar (Iran). 2: 25-32.
2- Jafaryan, H., M. Nazerii and A. Aminzadeh. The effects of probiotic bacillus on the growth factors of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) larvae. Journal of fisheries, Azad university branch of Azadshar (Iran). 3: 41-48.
3- Jafaryan, H. Soltani, M. and Abedian. A. 2007. The influence of some of the probiotic bacillus on feeding efficiency and nutrient body composition of Beluga (Huso huso) larvae. Journal of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (Iran). 14:60-71.
4- Jafaryan, H., G. A. Takami, A. Kamali, H. Soltani and M. Habibirezaei. 2007. The use of probiotic bacillus bioencapsulated with Artemia urmiana nauplii for the growth and survival in Acipenser persicus larva. Journal of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (Iran). 14: 87-97.
5-Jafaryan. H., Soltani, M. Naseri, A, Miri, S. M and Y. Ghiasi. 2010. The role of bioencapsulated Daphnia magna with probiotic Lactobacillus on growth parameters and feeding efficiency of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) larvae. International Journal of veterinary research of Tehran university. Under pressing.
6- Jafaryan. H., M. Soltani, M. Taati , A. Nazarpoor , R. Morovat. 2010. The evaluation of two isolated sturgeon gut bacteria in comparison with two commercial microbial products in enhancement growth parameters and survival time of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykis) larvae in challenge tests with stress. International Journal of veterinary research of Tehran university. Under pressing.
7- Jafaryan, H., Gh. Shahii and A.R.Yazdanii. 2010. The effect of probioics on the feeding efficiency and larval growth of three species of Caspian sturgeon. Journal of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (Iran). Under pressing.
8- Jafaryan. H. 2010. The effect of brackish water on growth and feeding performance in juvenile raibow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Under pressing.
The projects are worked The project is working
1- The study of feeding and growth parameters of Acipenser persicus fingerling in fish pond. 2007. The sturgeon center of Marjani (Iran).
2- The study of feeding efficiency of Beluga (Hoso huso) fingerling in fish pond. 2007. The sturgeon center of Marjani (Iran).
3- The culture of Acipenser persicus and Hoso huso larvae by feeding of Artemia urmiana, Daphnia magna and their blends. 2008. The sturgeon center of Marjani (Iran).
1- The feeding potentials of Acipenser nudiventries larvae in exploitation of nutrients of Daphnia sp and Artemia urmian and its mixture. 2009. The sturgeon center of Marjani (Iran).
2- The study of feeding efficiency and body composition of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), big head (Aristichthys nobilis) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) larvae using Artemia urmiana, Artemia fransiscana and the parthenogenetic nauplii . Private address Private phone
No: 403- 10th – Khayyam- South Khayyam street- Gonbade kavos- Golestan province – Iran.
(+98-172) 33-83-187 , ( +98)9111766798