Farzin Asghari Sana was born on the 20th of October, 1979 in Urmia, Iran. He received PhD degree in nanomedicine from nanotechnology and nanomedicine Institute of Hacettepe University, Turkey. Dr. Sana is a member of Iranian Society of Nanomedicine. Dr. Sana’s long term research interests involve the development of a novel antimicrobial nanocomposite against a wide spectrum of bacteria including multi-drug resistance (MDR). His academic training and research experiences have provided an excellent background in multiple biological disciplines including nanomedicine, microbiology, pediatric infections control, and regenerative medicine. In his PhD thesis, he was able to conduct research with Dr. Arlin kiremitçi on the nanomedicine, and regenerative medicine. Sana’s work has garnered awards from the 10th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR-10), Istanbul, Turkey. As a postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Menemse Gümüsderelioglu, his research focused on a protocol for development of antimicrobial nanocomposite against MDR bacteria. In this research, he showed that, nanocomposite with antibacterial and beta-lactamase inhibitory characteristics provides an interesting approach to inhibit adherence and growth of bacteria. Moreower, synergistic effect of nanocomposit/beta-lactam antibiotic combinations extends its spectrum against MDR pathogenic bacteria with safe biocompatibility and appropriate tissue interactions as well as their nontoxicity (PATENT: WO2018070953A1). He started the second postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Anahita Fathi Azarbayjani in Solid Tumor Research Center, Urmia University of Medical Science Iran, about the development of antimicrobial nanofibers against cancer cells and MDR bacteria.
Primary Affiliation: Nanomedicine / Urmia University of Medical Science – urmia , Iran (Islamic Republic of)