Almas Jiwani

A global voice for gender equality and women’s economic empowerment

“People often ask me why we choose to focus specifically on true empowerment for young women and girls. My answer is simple – we focus on women and girls because evidence that has accrued over decades of international development work has proven that the status and role of women is the best indicator of a nation’s economic development potential, and is a key factor in determining a society’s standard of living”

Almas Jiwani, President of Emeritus UN Women Canada NC and CEO of Almas Jiwani Foundation, is a fiercely vocal champion for gender equality. She is internationally renowned for her efforts to encourage women’s social, economic, and political empowerment. She spearheads initiatives where corporate growth intersects with humanitarian development.

Empowering young women and girls is beyond a mission and driving force for Almas Jiwani; It is a passionate commitment to equality and integrity that is deeply woven into every initiative, project and partnership. Almas’ social enterprise and social impact venture is working to create step changes in the lives of those most desperately impacted in developing regions of the world. As CEO, Almas’ Leadership and Vision light a path toward enduring positive change by introducing fundamental enabling solutions and technologies.

Guided by her incredible experience, understanding and bold approach to international solution and consensus building, the Foundation targets initiatives which engage youth, and young women in knowledge, ability and technology transfers.

Through a life-long commitment to perseverance and determination on behalf of women and girls in developing nations, Almas has enabled the strengthening of women’s economic capacity as entrepreneurs and producers. As a social enterprise venture the Almas Jiwani Foundation is working to deliver on the critical conditions which will support the economic, social and political advancement of women and women’s rights.

“Transferring not only infrastructure but the skills, abilities and knowledge to maintain critical infrastructure has been proven to elevate women, girls and families out of poverty.”- Almas Jiwani

Almas is a powerful and influential speaker and she continues to travel across the globe to deliver keynote addresses, speeches, and presentations on improving the status of women. She addressed over 400 parliamentarians from 42 countries on the benefits of economically empowering women and the roles and responsibilities of parliamentarians at the International Assembly in the Dominican Republic and Quebec City. More recently, she addressed the Pan Africa Media Conference, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, World Bank, Women in Leadership Forum in Abu Dhabi, African Development Bank conference, and the World Forum alongside Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu and holistic health/New Age guru Deepak Chopra.

Almas’ powerful international network of colleagues, government officials and industry partners is enabling a new form of social enterprise and innovation capable of very quickly alleviating impacts and delivering sustainable long-term solutions. Leveraging a powerful network to build environmentally conscious projects which light up the future of women and girls with energy, vitality and strength is a strategic advantage. Targeting young women and girls means focusing on building lasting change for families and communities.

As a renowned advocate and esteemed guest, Ms. Jiwani has made history as a state visitor in Pakistan when she addressed one million women on the topic of gender inequality. She certainly intends to do it again by bringing opportunity, voice, safety and strength to those most desperately in need. The Almas Jiwani Foundation is the social innovation engine that is helping to deliver on a mandate of Entrepreneurship, Equality and Education.

In 2013, Almas was appointed as a member of Magna Carta Canada honorary committee alongside with former Country Prime Ministers and high level political dignitaries. She was also appointed as good will Ambassador of the World NGO. She is a member of the Global Advisory Board of Women in Leadership – NASEBA Corporation in the Middle East and Dean, Faculty of Law at Istanbul University in Turkey, Pamoja Kenya Mentorship Alliance, Enerdynamic and Global Warming Prevention Technologies.

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