Ali Karami Professor Of Medical Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
University Education And Qualifications
Ph.D thesis : Genetic Characterization of Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme Disease Agent) and Protection by Recombinant OspA vaccine . Meical faculty of Copenhagen Univesrity Denmark. 1991- 1995.
Presented in International Congress of Lyme Disease , 16-21 June, 1996, San Francisco , USA.
International Course :
- 2006 Characterization and Management of Emerging Viral Diseases in the Developing World. National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
(NIBGE) faisalabad Pakistan. 14th to 18th November 2006 and was followed by the symposium from the 20th to 22nd November 2006 - 2003 International Course : Advanced molecular Biology , University of Vienna Austria.
- 2003 Smallpox Biosecurity Conference Preventing the threat, 21-22 Oct Geneva Switzerland.
- 1995 6th PCR European Seminar tour, Copenhagen , DENMARK
- 1994 DNA Sequensing strategy and DNA Sequence Analysis .Feb 21th- March 4th 1994 Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, finland.
- 1994 Academic course for English Writing and Publishing Scientific papers, Copenhagen , Denmark
- 1993 Theoretical and Practical Course on Bacterial Genetics:
International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Trieste, Italy. - 1993 Program for the 8th Copenhagen-Malmo-Lund scientific Meeting Nov 11, Lund Seden.
- 1993 Course on Theoretical and Practical Parasite Immunology and phatogenesis, 15-19 March , University of Copenhagen and University Hospital , Denmark.
- 1992 Bioinformatic Course on The UNIX operation system Networked Information services and Sequence Analyis 9-13 November 1992, Biobase The Danish Biotechnology Database and EMBL Node, AARHUS UNIVERSITY, DENMARK.
- 1992 Quantitative Genetic Analysis , Copenhagen , DENMARK.
- 1990 International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Vienna, Austria.
- 1989 Cross Reaction and Cross Immunity between Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pestis , First International Congress of Immunology and Allergy, Tehran, Iran.
- 1989 International Conference in Release of Genetically Engineered Microorganism (REGM) , Cardif , England.
Further Information
Dr. Ali Karami, Ph.D
Professor of Medical Biotechnology,
Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology
Research Center of Molecular Biology
Baqiyatallah University of Medical Science
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