Global Summit on Pathology (Pathology 2024)


ScitechSeries is delighted to extend a warm invitation to attend “Global Summit on Pathology” (Pathology 2024) which has been scheduled as a Hybrid Event during May 20-21, 2024 in Singapore. The conference will be centered around the theme of “Unraveling Innovative Approaches in Disease Identification.”

This HYBRID EVENT allows you to participate as In person at Singapore or Virtually from your home or workplace.

Scientific Sessions

Molecular Pathology
Clinical Pathology
Diagnostic Pathology
Cancer Cytopathology
Breast pathology
Renal Pathology
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Path biotechnology
Digital & computational pathology
Anatomical Pathology
Renal and Cardiovascular Pathology
Gynaecology and Obstetrics Pathology
Pulmonary Pathology
Gastrointestinal and Liver pathology
Neuropathology and psychopathology
Surgical Pathology
Reproductive Pathology
Geriatrics And Genetic Pathology
Microbial & Infectious Disease Pathology

Important Dates
Abstract Submission Opens30/09/2023
Abstract Submission Deadline30/04/2024
Abstract Submission Closes30/04/2024
Registration Opens30/09/2023
Registration Deadline20/05/2024
Registration Closes20/05/2024
Early bird registration30/09/2023
on spot registration20/05/2024
Date formats: d/m/y
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