11th World Summit on Mental Health, Psychiatry and Wellbeing (Annual Mental Health 2024)


11th World Summit on Mental Health, Psychiatry and Wellbeing (Annual Mental Health 2024)  will hold the venue for 2 days program, July 24-25, 2024 at  Toronto, Canada  for the psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health trainers & experts, researchers, scientists, academicians, advocates, patients, clinicians, nurses, midwife, caregivers, speech therapist, audiology-language experts and other health care people & professionals to join with their latest findings, learn about new advances, make collaboration, meet, interact and build networking through a premier scientific program with keynote lectures, workshops, symposiums, networking events and variety of sessions.

The conference will offer an unparalleled platform for the minds studying and exploring the possibilities to treat psychiatric & psychological disorders to exchange their ideas in future.

Theme: Mental Health Matters: Mental illness is not a choice, but Recovery is for Wellbeing.

Scientific Sessions

Track 1:Wellness and Health Care
Track 2:Psychiatry and Psychiatric Disorders
Track 3:Mental Health and Wellbeing
Track 4:Women’s Mental Health and Midwifery
Track 5:Psychology and Psychological Resilience
Track 6:Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Track 7:Mental Disorders
Track 8:Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Track 9:Self-harm and Suicide Prevention
Track 10:Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Treatments
Track 11:Addiction and Substance Use Disorders
Track 12:Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Track 13:Mental Illness and Health Care
Track 14:Positive Psychology: A new approach to Mental health
Track 15:Neurology and Neurological Disorders
Track 16:Neuroscience and Neuropsychiatry
Track 17:Neuropharmacology and Neurochemistry
Track 18:Case Reports and Management of Mental Health
Track 19:Case Reports and Management of Mental Health

Important Dates
Abstract Submission Opens07/12/2023
Abstract Submission Deadline30/05/2024
Abstract Submission Closes27/06/2024
Registration Opens07/12/2023
Date formats: d/m/y
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