International Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs


We’d be happy to announce our upcoming International Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs. this conference brings together knowledge of the rare disease, experts, patients, and researchers of rare diseases on this rare disease and orphan drugs which is scheduled during March 25-26 2024, in London, UK.
The Conference theme will be focusing on Researching and Introducing Rare Diseases and Orphan drugs to the world.

Scientific Sessions

1. Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs
2. Introduction and of New Rare Diseases
3. Clinical Case Reports and Case Studies
4. Different types of rare diseases
5. Challenges of living with a rare disease
6. Rare Diseases Vs Common Diseases
7. Rare Autoimmune Disorders
8. Rare Bone Diseases
9. Rare Cancer
10. Clinical Research on Orphan Drugs
11. Mystery Diagnosis of Rare Diseases
12. Orphan drugs potentiality
13. Functional Genomics and Gene Therapy for Rare Diseases
14. Rare nutritional and metabolic diseases
15. Treatment of and advanced therapies for rare diseases
16. Patient Advocacy Group
17. Rare Neurological Disorders
18. Rare Syndrome in Covid-19
19. Advancement in the diagnosis of rare diseases
20. Emerging in technologies in rare diseases research
21. Bio medical research
22. Drug discovery for rare diseases
23. Regulatory considerations for developing orphan drugs
24. Chromosomal Abnormalities
25. Sickle Cell Anemia
26. Infectious Diseases and Immune Deficiencies
27. Genetic Testing and counselling of Rare Diseases
28. Biomarkers for rare disease diagnosis and treatment
29. Diseases of the Heart and Vessels
30. Aging Rare Diseases
31. X-linked and mitochondrial disorders
32.Mosaicism in rare disease.
33. Vaccines and Vaccination

Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline20/03/2024
Early bird registration30/08/2023
Date formats: d/m/y
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